时间:2023-11-07 11:06:41   来源:四川师范大学心理学院   查看:2134



周志恒博士,本硕毕业于东南大学,分别获得信息工程学士和生物医学工程硕士学位。2019年于内华达大学里诺分校获得心理学博士学位。2019-2023年在加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校Center for Mind and Brain从事博士后研究。

联系方式: zhou (at) sicnu.edu.cn



(1) 视知觉方向:视觉皮层功能及其神经机制,视觉皮层偏侧化

(2) 视觉注意方向:注意对视觉的影响,注意与记忆的相互作用



Visual Sciences Society, Psychonomic Society, Cognitive Neuroscience Society会员。

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics; Cortex; Experimental Brain Research; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; Language, Cognition and Neuroscience; NeuroImage; Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology审稿人。



Zhou, Z., & Geng, J. J. (2024). Learned associations serve as target proxies during difficult but not easy visual search. Cognition, 242, 105648.

Yu, X., Zhou, Z., Becker, S. I., Boettcher, S. E. P., & Geng, J. J. (2023). Good-enough attentional guidance. Trends in cognitive sciences. 27(4), 391-403.

Won, B. Y., Forloines, M., Zhou, Z., & Geng, J. J. (2020). Changes in visual cortical processing attenuate singleton distraction during visual search. Cortex, 132, 309-321.

Zhou, Z., Villis, T. and Strother, L. (2019). Functionally separable font-invariant and font-sensitive neural populations in occipitotemporal cortex. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 31(7), 1018-1029.

Zhou, Z., Whitney, C., and Strother, L. (2019). Embedded word priming elicits enhanced fMRI responses in the visual word form area. PloS one, 14(1), e0208318.

Strother L., Zhou, Z., Coros, A.M., and Vilis, T. (2017). An fMRI study of visual hemifield integration and cerebral lateralization. Neuropsychologia, 100, 35-43.

Zhou, Z., and Strother L. (2017). Distinct effects of contour smoothness and observer bias on visual persistence. Journal of Vision, 17(2), 8.

Wu, Y., Yu, H., Shen, B., Yu, R., Zhou Z., Zhang, G., Jiang, Y. & Zhou, X. (2014). Neural basis of increased costly norm enforcement under adversity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, nst187.

Yu, H., Zhou Z., and Zhou, X. (2013). The amygdalostriatal and corticostriatal effective connectivity in anticipation and evaluation of facial attractiveness. Brain and Cognition, 82(3), 291-300.

Zhou, Z., Yu, R., and Zhou, X. (2010). To do or not to do? Action enlarges the FRN and P300 effects in outcome evaluation. Neuropsychologia, 48(12), 3606-3613.

