[四川师范大学心理学院]  [手机版本]  [扫描分享]  发布时间:2023年11月2日


王福顺教授山东泰安人,四川峨眉领军人才、二级教授、博士研究生导师。主要研究方向神经心理学和情绪心理学,具体贡献为:际上首次原创性地提出情绪的三元色学说曾经在国内外学术期刊发表论文130余篇,SCI总索引4200余次,单篇引用最高达820余次。获得发明专利12件,包括CNS子刊Nature Medicine, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Communication, Science signaling, Cell stem cell以及PNAS等杂志。主编《医学心理学》两部,《中医情绪心理学》《心身疾病的临床诊治与心理康复》《情绪心理学》各一部,翻译《正念的力量》一书。其中《情绪心理学》是国家统编十三五规划教材和国内第一部情绪心理学教材;《中医情绪心理学》被评为2016年度最受欢迎的十佳中医药好书2014年入选江苏省特聘教授,2015年入选江苏六大人才高峰2022年入选四川省峨眉领军人才2022年获聘为二级教授2014年回国以来领导和参与10余项国家及省部级项目

目前担任许多国内外杂志的编委和客座主编,如Frontiers in psychologyOxidative medicine and cellular longevity, Frontiers in Neurology, Frontiers in pharmacology,《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》、《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》、《山东中医药大学学报》、《安徽医药》《西部素质教育》等。另外还担任四川省神经科学学会 常委理事,中国情绪与健康心理学会 常委。









2014/1-2019/07, 南京中医药大学心理学院, 江苏省特聘教授








19999-20027月,中山大学神经生理学 博士研究生

19919-19947月,山东大学医学心理学 硕士研究生

19879-19917月,曲阜师范大学 学士学位



1)  国家科技部重大项目(脑计划):青少年脑智发育的队列研究(1.5亿, 北京师范大学校长董奇 项目负责人)



4)江苏省特聘教授启动基金,2014/01/01-2017/12/31200 万,已结题,主持;

5)江苏省 六大人才高峰基金,2016/01/01-2017/12/312015YY006, 10 万,已结题,主持;

6) 江苏省中医药管理局课题重点项目,2016/01/01-2017/12/31ZD20150120 万,已结题,主持;

7)江苏省自然基金,2016/01/01-2017/12/31BK20151565,  20万,已结题,主持;


9)国家自然科学基金,2017/01-2018/12,港澳台项目,20万,已结题,国内主持(国外负责人 黄海涛)






Wang Fushun*, Wang W, Gu S, Qi D, Smith NA, Peng W, Dong W, Yuan J, Zhao B, Mao Y, Cao P, Lu QR, Shapiro LA, Yi SS, Wu E, Huang JH. (2023). Distinct astrocytic modulatory roles in sensory transmission during sleep, wakefulness and arousal states in freely moving mice. Nature Communication. 2023 Apr 17;14(1):2186. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-37974-z.

Han Y, Gu S, Li Y, Qian X, Wang Fushun* and Huang JH. (2023) Neuroendocrine pathogenesis of perimenopausal depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry 14:1162501. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1162501

Wang Fushun*, Baumeister RF., Tang YY. (2023), Editorial: New paradigm of attention and attention training: Mechanisms and application. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17:1122941. Doi:10.3389/fnhum2023.1122941. (IF=3.6).

Wang Fushun*, Xu S., Pan F., Verkhratsky A., Huang JH. (2023), Editorial: Natural products and brain energy metabolism: astrocytes in neurodegenerative diseases Volume II. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14:1137554. Doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1137554. (IF=5.6).

Gu S, Li Y., Jiang Y.,Huang JH., Wang Fushun*. (2022). Glymphamatic dysfunction induced oxidase stress and neuro-inflammation in MDD. Antioxidant, 20221111):2296. (IF=7.6)

Gu S., Li Y., Jiang Y., Huang JH. Wang Fushun*. (2022). Mindfulness training improves sport performance via inhibiting uncertainty induced emotional arousal and anger. Journal of orthopedics and sports medicine, 4(4): 296-304. DOI: 10.26502/josm.511500066. (IF=3.6). 

Wang Fushun*, Braun RJ., Moran VE., Xu S. (2022). Editorial: improving memory deficit in Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2022: 1066598. Doi:10.3389/fnagi.2022.1066598. (IF=5.2)

Jiang Y, Zou D, Li Y, Gu S, Dong J, Ma X, Xu S, Wang Fushun*, Huang JH. (2022). Monoamine Neurotransmitters Control Basic Emotions and Affect Major Depressive Disorders. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2022 Sep 28;15(10):1203. doi: 10.3390/ph15101203. (IF=5.2).

Wang Fushun*, Xu S, Pan F, Verkhratsky A andHuang JH. (2022), Editorial: Natural products and brain energy metabolism: Astrocytes in neurodegenerative diseases. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 13:1039904. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.1039904. (IF=5.6).

Dong, J., Xiao, T., Xu, Q., Liang, F., Simeng Gu*, Wang, Fushun*., Huang, JH. (2022). Anxious Personality Traits: Perspectives from Basic Emotions and Neurotransmitters. Brain Sciences. 2022, 12(9):1141. doi:10.3390/brainsci12091141. (IF= 3.333)

Xu, Q., Jiang, M., Gu, S., Zhang, X., Feng, G., Ma, X., Xu, S., Wu, E., Huang, JH., Wang, Fushun*. (2022). Metabolomics changes in brain-gut axis after unpredictable chronic mild stress. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2022 Mar;239(3):729-743. doi: 10.1007/s00213-021-05958-w. (IF= 4.53)

Wei, S., Wang, Fuhsun*., Liu, J., Wang, Y. (2022). Editorial: Neural circuits and neuroendocrine mechanisms of major depressive disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: Toward precise targets for translational medicine and drug development. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022 Jul 26:13:983604. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.983604. (IF=5.435)

Wang, J, Wen, W., Gong, D., Chen, Q., Li, P., Liu, P., Wang, Fushun*., Xu, S*. (2022). SZAP exerts analgesic effects on rheumatalgia in CIA rats by suppressing pain hyperalgesia and inhibiting TRPV1 and P2X3. Journal of Ethnopharmacol. 2022 Feb 10:284:114780. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2021.114780. (IF= 5.195)

Wang, Fushun*., Pan, F., Tang, YY., Huang, JH. (2022). Editorial: Uncertainty Induced Emotional Disorders During the COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022 Jul 5:13:943966. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.943966. (IF= 4.232)

Wen, W., Li, P., Liu, P., Xu, S*., Wang, Fushun*, Huang, JH. (2022). Post-Translational Modifications of BACE1 in Alzheimer's Disease. Current Neuropharmacology. 2022;20(1):211-222. doi: 10.2174/1570159X19666210121163224. (IF= 7.363)

Gu, S, He, Z., Xu, Q., Dong, J., Xiao, T., Liang, F., Ma, X*., Wang, Fushun*, Huang, JH. (2022). The Relationship Between 5-Hydroxytryptamine and Its Metabolite Changes with Post-stroke Depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022 Apr 26:13:871754. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.871754. (IF=5.435)

Wang, Fushun*., Yang, J., Pan, F., Ho, RC., Huang, JH. (2022). Editorial: Neurotransmitters and Emotions, Volume II. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022 May 27:13:920702. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.920702. (IF= 4.232)

Gu, S., He, Z., Sun, L., Jiang, Y., Xu, M., Feng, G., Ma, X., Wang Fushun*, & Huang, J. H. (2021). Effects of Coronavirus-19 Induced Loneliness on Mental Health: Sleep Quality and Intolerance for Uncertainty as Mediators. Frontiers in Psychiatry.2021, 12, p. 1606. https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.738003. (IF=5.435)

He, Z., Jiang, Y., Gu, S., Wu, D., Qin, D., Feng, G., Ma, X., Huang, J. H., & Wang, Fushun*. (2021). The Aversion Function of the Limbic Dopaminergic Neurons and Their Roles in Functional Neurological Disorders. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2021 Sep 21. 713762. https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fcell.2021.713762. (IF= 6.684, Citations 4)

Liang F, Feng R, Gu S, Jiang S, Zhang X, Li N, Xu M, Tang Y, Wang Fushun*. Neurotransmitters and Electrophysiological Changes Might Work as Biomarkers for Diagnosing Affective Disorders. Dis Markers. 2021 Sep 18;2021:9116502. doi: 10.1155/2021/9116502.IF=3.4

Gu S, He Z., Sun L., Jiang Y., Xu M., Feng G., Ma X., Wang Fushun*, Huang, JH. (2021). Effects of corovirus-19 induced loneliness on mental health: sleep quality and intolerance for uncertainty as mediators. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021 Sep 21;12:738003. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.738003. (IF=5.435, Citations 10

Wang, Fushun*, Pan, F., Tang, Y., & Huang, J. H. (2021). Editorial: Stress Induced Neural Changes in Emotional Disorders. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 710691. IF=5.43

Li, X., Wen, W., Li, P., Fu, Y., Chen, H., Wang Fushun*., Dai, Y., & Xu, S. (2021). Mitochondrial Protection and Against Glutamate Neurotoxicity via Shh/Ptch1 Signaling Pathway to Ameliorate Cognitive Dysfunction by Kaixin San in Multi-Infarct Dementia Rats. Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2021, 5590745. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5590745.IF= 6.543

Wang, Fushun*, Pan, F., Tang, Y., & Huang, J. H. (2021). Editorial: Early Life Stress-Induced Epigenetic Changes Involved in Mental Disorders. Frontiers in genetics, 12, 684844. https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2021.684844. IF= 4.599

He, S., Wang, Fushun., Yung, K., Zhang, S., & Qu, S. (2021). Effects of α-Synuclein-Associated Post-Translational Modifications in Parkinson's Disease. ACS chemical neuroscience, 12(7), 1061–1071. https://doi.org/10.1021/acschemneuro.1c00028. IF= 4.418

He, Z., Jiang, Y., Gu, S., Wu, D., Qin, D., Feng, G., Ma X., Huang JH., and Wang Fushun*. (2021). The Aversion Function of the Limbic Dopaminergic Neurons and Their Roles in Functional Neurological Disorders. Frontiers in Cell Developmental Biology. 9:713762. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.713762. (IF= 6.684)

Chen, Y., Dong, J., Yang, D., Qian, Q., Wang, P., Yang, X., Li, W., Li, G., Shen, X., Wang, Fushun*. Synergistic Network Pharmacology for Traditional Chinese Medicine Liangxue Tongyu Formula in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhagic Stroke. Neural Plasticity. 2021 Feb 26;2021:8874296. IF= 3.599

Liang, F., Xu, Q., Jiang, M., Feng, R., Jiang, S., Yuan, B., Xu, S., Wu, T., Wang, Fushun*, Huang, JH.  Emotion Induced Monoamine Neuromodulator Release Affects Functional Neurological Disorders. Frontiers in Cell Developmental Biology. 2021 Feb 15;9:633048. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.633048. IF= 6.684

Ma, T., Wang, Fushun*, Xu, S., Huang, JH.. Meningeal Immunity: Structure, Function and a Potential Therapeutic Target of Neurodegenerative Diseases. Brain Behavior Immunology. 2021 Feb 3:S0889-1591(21)00032-5. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2021.01.028. IF= 3.599

 Chen, S., Ding, N., Wang Fushun*, Li, Z., Qin, S., Biswal, B. B., & Yuan, J. (2021). Functional Decoupling of Emotion Coping Network Subsides Automatic Emotion Regulation by Implementation Intention. Neural plasticity, 2021, 6639739. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6639739 IF= 3.599

 Xin, Z., Gu, S., Yi, L., Li, H., & Wang Fushun*. (2020). Acute Exposure to the Cold Pressor Stress Impairs Working Memory Functions: An Electrophysiological Study. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11, 544540. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2020.544540. IF=5.43

 Wang, J., Wang, Fushun., Mai, D. and Qu, S. (2020). Molecular Mechanisms of Glutamate Toxicity in Parkinson’s Disease. Frontiers in. Neuroscience. 14:585584. doi:10.3389/fnins.2020.585584. IF= 5.152, Citations 47

 Wang, Fushun *, Pan, F., Hirase, H. and Huang, JH.. (2020) Editorial: Role of Astrocytes in Seizures Induced by Traumatic Brain Injury. Frontiers in Neurology. 11:604788. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.604788. IF= 4.003

 Gu, S., Li, Y., Liang, F., Feng, R., Zeng, Z., & Wang Fushun* (2020). The Mediating Effects of Coping Style on the Effects of Breath Count Mindfulness Training on Depressive Symptoms among International Students in China. Neural plasticity, 2020, 8859251. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8859251 IF= 3.599

 Xu, Q., Jiang, M., Gu, S., Wang Fushun*, & Yuan, B. (2020). Early Life Stress Induced DNA Methylation of Monoamine Oxidases Leads to Depressive-Like Behavior. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 8, 582247. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2020.582247 IF= 6.684

Gu, S, Liu, Y., Liang, F., Feng, R., Li, Y., Liu, G., Gao, M., Liu, W., Wang, Fushun*, and Huang, JH. (2020). Screening Depressive Disorders with Tree-Drawing Test. Frontiers in Psychology. 11:1446. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01446. (IF= 4.232

Liu, P., Wang, J., Wen, W., Pan, T., Chen, H., Fu, Y., Wang, Fushun., Huang, J. H., & Xu, S. (2020). Cinnamaldehyde suppresses NLRP3 derived IL-1β via activating succinate/HIF-1 in rheumatoid arthritis rats. International Immunopharmacology, 84, 106570. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intimp.2020.106570.IF=2.6, Citations 27

Wang, Fushun, Qi, X., Zhang, J., & Huang, J. H. (2020). Astrocytic modulation of potassium under seizures. Neural regeneration research, 15(6), 980–987. https://doi.org/10.4103/1673-5374.270295   IF= 6.2

Song, Y., Cao, C., Xu, Q., Gu, S., Wang, Fushun*, Huang, X., Xu, S., Wu, E. and Huang, JH. (2020). Piperine Attenuates TBI-Induced Seizures via Inhibiting Cytokine-Activated Reactive Astrogliosis. Frontiers in Neurology. 11:431. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.00431. (IF= 4.003

Liu, Y., Li, H., Xu, X., Li, Y., Wang, Z., Zhu, H., Zhang, X., Jiang, S., Li, N., Gu, S., Wang Fushun*, & Huang, J. H. (2020). The Relationship between Insecure Attachment to Depression: Mediating Role of Sleep and Cognitive Reappraisal. Neural plasticity, 2020, 1931737. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/1931737. IF= 3.599

Zhao, M., Tang, X., Gong, D., Xia, P., Wang Fushun* & Xu, S. (2020). Bungeanum Improves Cognitive Dysfunction and Neurological Deficits in D-Galactose-Induced Aging Mice via Activating PI3K/Akt/Nrf2 Signaling Pathway. Frontiers in pharmacology, 11, 71. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2020.00071.IF= 5.4, Citations 27

Wang, Fushun*, Yang, J., Pan, F., Bourgeois, J. A., & Huang, J. H. (2020). Editorial: Early Life Stress and Depression. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10, 964. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00964.IF=5.435, Citations 13

Zheng, Zheng., Han, W., Li, Y., Wang, D., Gu, S., & Wang Fushun* (2020). The Mediating Effect of Coping Style in the Relationship Between Depression and Disordered Eating Among Chinese Female Undergraduates. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 3011. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.03011.IF= 4.232, Citations 18

Wang, Fushun*, Yang, J., Pan, F., Ho, R. C., & Huang, J. H. (2020). Editorial: Neurotransmitters and Emotions. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 21. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00021IF= 4.232, Citations 31

Gu, S, Wang, Fushun*, Cao, C., Wu, E., Tang, Y. Y., & Huang, J. H. (2019). An Integrative Way for Studying Neural Basis of Basic Emotions With fMRI. Frontiers in neuroscience, 13, 628. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2019.00628. (IF= 5.152, Citations 42)

Li, Y., Gu, S, Wang, Z., Li, H., Xu, X., Zhu, H., Deng, S., Ma, X., Feng, G., Wang Fushun*, & Huang, J. H. (2019). Relationship Between Stressful Life Events and Sleep Quality: Rumination as a Mediator and Resilience as a Moderator. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10, 348. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00348.IF=5.435, Citations 68

Gu, Simeng, Wang Fushun*, Patel, N. P., Bourgeois, J. A., & Huang, J. H. (2019). A Model for Basic Emotions Using Observations of Behavior in Drosophila. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 781. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00781.IF= 4.232, Citations 96

Fushun Wang*, Yiyuan Tang. The Role of Monoamine System in Core Affects and Basic Emotions. Arch Neurol & Neurosci. 3(1): 2019.ANN.MS.ID.000553. DOI: 10.33552/ANN.2019.03.000553.  

Wang, F., Zheng, Z., Guan, J., Qi, D., Zhou, S., Shen, X., Wang, F., Wenkert, D., Kirmani, B., Solouki, T., Fonkem, E., Wong, E. T., Huang, J. H., & Wu, E. (2018). Identification of a panel of genes as a prognostic biomarker for glioblastoma., 37, 68–77. Journal of Ebiomedicine. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2018.10.024.IF= 8.143, Citations 42

Wang, Fushun*Pan, F., Shapiro, L. A., & Huang, J. H. (2018). Stress Induced Neuroplasticity and Mental Disorders. Neural plasticity, 2018, 5382537. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/5382537.  IF= 3.599, Citations 15

Gu, S., Gao, M., Yan, Y., Wang Fushun*, Tang, Y. Y., & Huang, J. H. (2018). The Neural Mechanism Underlying Cognitive and Emotional Processes in Creativity. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1924. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01924.IF= 4.23, Citation 41

Gu, S., Jing, L., Li, Y., Huang, J. H., & Wang Fushun* (2018). Stress Induced Hormone and Neuromodulator Changes in Menopausal Depressive Rats. Frontiers in psychiatry, 9, 253. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00253. (IF=5.435, Citations 33  

Wang, Fushun*, Pan, F., Shapiro, L. A., & Huang, J. H. (2017). Stress Induced Neuroplasticity and Mental Disorders. Neural plasticity, 2017, 9634501. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/9634501.  IF= 3.599, Citation 18.

Qiao, M., Sun, P., Wang, Y., Wei, S., Wei, X., Song, C., Wang, Fushun., & Wu, J. (2017). Profiling Proteins in the Hypothalamus and Hippocampus of a Rat Model of Premenstrual Syndrome Irritability. Neural plasticity, 2017, 6537230. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/6537230.  IF= 3.599

Zhang, X., Zheng, W., Wang, T., Ren, P., Wang Fushun*, Ma, X., Wang, J., & Huang, X. (2017). Danshen-Chuanxiong-Honghua Ameliorates Cerebral Impairment and Improves Spatial Cognitive Deficits after Transient Focal Ischemia and Identification of Active Compounds. Frontiers in pharmacology, 8, 452. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2017.00452.  IF= 5.81, Citations 27

Xia, Z., Wang, F., Zhou, S., Zhang, R., Wang Fushun*, Huang, J. H., Wu, E., Zhang, Y., & Hu, Y. (2017). Catalpol protects synaptic proteins from beta-amyloid induced neuron injury and improves cognitive functions in aged rats. Oncotarget, 8(41), 69303–69315. https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.17951 (IF= 5.1, Citations 19

Wang, Fushun*, Wang, X., Shapiro, L. A., Cotrina, M. L., Liu, W., Wang, E. W., Gu, S., Wang, W., He, X., Nedergaard, M., & Huang, J. H. (2017). NKCC1 up-regulation contributes to early post-traumatic seizures and increased post-traumatic seizure susceptibility. Brain structure & function, 222(3), 1543–1556. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-016-1292-z.  IF=3.27, Citations 57

Zheng, Z., Gu, S., Lei, Y., Lu, S., Wang, W., Li, Y., & Wang Fushun* (2016). Safety Needs Mediate Stressful Events Induced Mental Disorders. Neural plasticity, 2016, 8058093. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/8058093.  IF= 3.599, Citations 70

Wang, Fushun*, Pereira A Jr. Neuromodulation, Emotion feelings and affective disorders. Mens Sana Monogr, 2016, 14(1):5-29  (Citations 34

Benraiss, A., Wang, S., Herrlinger, S., Li, X., Chandler-Militello, D., Mauceri, J., Burm, H. B., Toner, M., Osipovitch, M., Jim Xu, Q., Ding, F., Wang, Fushun, Kang, N., Kang, J., Curtin, P. C., Brunner, D., Windrem, M. S., Munoz-Sanjuan, I., Nedergaard, M., & Goldman, S. A. (2016). Human glia can both induce and rescue aspects of disease phenotype in Huntington disease. Nature communications, 7, 11758. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms11758.  IF= 14.919, Citations 140

Gu, S., Wang, W., Wang, Fushun *, & Huang, J. H. (2016). Neuromodulator and Emotion Biomarker for Stress Induced Mental Disorders. Neural plasticity, 2016, 2609128. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/2609128. IF= 3.599, Citations 67

Xue, W., Wang, W., Gong, T., Zhang, H., Tao, W., Xue, L., Sun, Y., Wang, Fushun., & Chen, G. (2016). PKA-CREB-BDNF signaling regulated long lasting antidepressant activities of Yueju but not ketamine. Scientific reports, 6, 26331. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep26331.IF= 4.379,  Citations 82

Wang, Fushun*, Yuan, T., Pereira, A., Jr, Verkhratsky, A., & Huang, J. H. (2016). Glial Cells and Synaptic Plasticity. Neural plasticity, 2016, 5042902. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/5042902. (IF= 3.599, Citations 16

Simeng Gu, Fushun Wang*, Tifei Yuan, Benyu Guo, Jason H Huang. Differential of primary emotions through neuromodulators: Review of Literature. International Journal of Neurology, 2015.1(2): 43-50. (IF= 4.086, Citations 23

Takano, T., He, W., Han, X., Wang, Fushun., Xu, Q., Wang, X., Oberheim Bush, N. A., Cruz, N., Dienel, G. A., & Nedergaard, M. (2014). Rapid manifestation of reactive astrogliosis in acute hippocampal brain slices. Glia, 62(1), 78–95. https://doi.org/10.1002/glia.22588. (IF=7.452, Citations 73)  

Rangroo Thrane, V., Thrane, A. S., Wang, Fushun., Cotrina, M. L., Smith, N. A., Chen, M., Xu, Q., Kang, N., Fujita, T., Nagelhus, E. A., & Nedergaard, M. (2013). Ammonia triggers neuronal disinhibition and seizures by impairing astrocyte potassium buffering. Nature medicine, 19(12), 1643–1648. https://doi.org/10.1038/nm.3400. (IF=87.241, Citations 247)

Wang, Fushun*, Smith, N. A., Xu, Q., Goldman, S., Peng, W., Huang, J. H., Takano, T., & Nedergaard, M. (2013). Photolysis of caged Ca2+ but not receptor-mediated Ca2+ signaling triggers astrocytic glutamate release. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 33(44), 17404–17412. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2178-13.2013. (IF=8.2, Citations 70

Ding, F., O'Donnell, J., Thrane, A. S., Zeppenfeld, D., Kang, H., Xie, L., Wang, Fushun., & Nedergaard, M. (2013). α1-Adrenergic receptors mediate coordinated Ca2+ signaling of cortical astrocytes in awake, behaving mice. Cell Calcium, 54(6), 387–394. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceca.2013.09.001. (IF= 6.817Citations 337)

Han, X., Chen, M., Wang, Fushun., Windrem, M., Wang, S., Shanz, S., Xu, Q., Oberheim, N. A., Bekar, L., Betstadt, S., Silva, A. J., Takano, T., Goldman, S. A., & Nedergaard, M. (2013). Forebrain engraftment by human glial progenitor cells enhances synaptic plasticity and learning in adult mice. Cell stem cell, 12(3), 342–353. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stem.2012.12.015. (IF=24.633, Citations 612)

Thrane, A. S., Takano, T., Rangroo Thrane, V., Wang, Fushun, Peng, W., Ottersen, O. P., Nedergaard, M., & Nagelhus, E. A. (2013). In vivo NADH fluorescence imaging indicates effect of aquaporin-4 deletion on oxygen microdistribution in cortical spreading depression. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism: official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 33(7), 996–999. https://doi.org/10.1038/jcbfm.2013.63. (IF=6.2, Citations 29)

Benraiss, A., Toner, M. J., Xu, Q., Bruel-Jungerman, E., Rogers, E. H., Wang, Fushun., Economides, A. N., Davidson, B. L., Kageyama, R., Nedergaard, M., & Goldman, S. A. (2013). Sustained mobilization of endogenous neural progenitors delays disease progression in a transgenic model of Huntington's disease. Cell stem cell, 12(6), 787–799.   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stem.2013.04.014.  (IF=24.633, Citations 58)

Wang, Fushun*, Xu, Q., Wang, W., Takano, T., & Nedergaard, M. (2012). Bergmann glia modulate cerebellar Purkinje cell bistability via Ca2+-dependent K+ uptake. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(20), 7911–7916. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1120380109. (IF=11.205, Citations 103)

Wang, Fushun, Smith, N. A., Xu, Q., Fujita, T., Baba, A., Matsuda, T., Takano, T., Bekar, L., & Nedergaard, M. (2012). Astrocytes modulate neural network activity by Ca²+-dependent uptake of extracellular K+. Science signaling, 5(218), ra26. https://doi.org/10.1126/scisignal.2002334. (IF=8.192, Citations 261)

Torres, A., Wang, Fushun, Xu, Q., Fujita, T., Dobrowolski, R., Willecke, K., Takano, T., & Nedergaard, M. (2012). Extracellular Ca²⁺ acts as a mediator of communication from neurons to glia. Science signaling, 5(208), ra8. https://doi.org/10.1126/scisignal.2002160. (IF=8.192, Citations 174)

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Goldman, N., Chen, M., Fujita, T., Xu, Q., Peng, W., Liu, W., Jensen, T. K., Pei, Y., Wang, Fushun., Han, X., Chen, J. F., Schnermann, J., Takano, T., Bekar, L., Tieu, K., & Nedergaard, M. (2010). Adenosine A1 receptors mediate local anti-nociceptive effects of acupuncture. Nature neuroscience, 13(7), 883–888. https://doi.org/10.1038/nn.2562. (IF=28.771, Citations 888)

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Wang, Fushun. *, Xiao, C., & Ye, J. H. (2005). Taurine activates excitatory non-synaptic glycine receptors on dopamine neurones in ventral tegmental area of young rats. The Journal of physiology, 565(Pt 2), 503–516. https://doi.org/10.1113/jphysiol.2005.085423. IF=5.13, Citations 61

Lai, M., Wang, Fushun., Rohan, J. G., Maeno-Hikichi, Y., Chen, Y., Zhou, Y., Gao, G., Sather, W. A., & Zhang, J. F. (2005). A tctex1-Ca2+ channel complex for selective surface expression of Ca2+ channels in neurons. Nature neuroscience, 8(4), 435–442. https://doi.org/10.1038/nn1418. (IF=28.771, Citations 30)

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1. 冯柔,顾思梦,王福顺*. 催产素调节恐惧情绪识别的双向作用及其机制[J]. 心理科学. In press.

2. 肖婷炜, 董洁, 梁飞, 王福顺*, 李洋. 厌恶情绪与自杀行为的关系 [J]. 心理科学进展. 202331(1): 87-98.

3. 邹迪,李红 & 王福顺*. 唤醒定义探析及其认知神经生理基础[J]. 心理科学进展. 202230(9:2020-2033.

4. 江珊, 王福顺*. (2022). 杏仁核在创伤后应激障碍发病机制中的作用[J]. 国际精神病学杂志. 2022. 49(4): 583-587.

5. 梁飞, 江瑶, 肖婷炜, 董洁 & 王福顺*.(2022). 基本情绪的神经基础:来自fMRI与机器视觉技术研究的证据[J]. 心理科学进展,2022, (08),1832-1843.

6. 李亚文,顾思梦,曾智,王福顺 2021. 生态心理学视域下来华留学生抑郁障碍影响因素研究 [J]. 国家精神病学杂志481):50-54.

7. 冯柔,何正明,王福顺*(2021). 杏仁核在情绪加工中的特异性与非特异性[J]. 心理学进展, 11(8), 8.

8. 张霞,雷怡,& 王福顺*. (2021). 催产素、孕激素和雌激素对厌恶加工的影响及其神经生理机制[J].心理科学进展,(01),85-97. 

9. 李娜玲王福顺*. (2021). 中医心理疗法对大学生抑郁情绪疏导的启示[J]. 临床医学研究与实践, 6(33), 3.

10. 梁飞,李红,王福顺*. 基本情绪的电生理活动:来自ERP的证据[J]. 应用心理学, 2021, 27(1): 42-56.

11. 徐秋月,顾思梦,陆林玉,乔明琦,王福顺*. 初探情绪对任督二脉之气的影响[J]. 时珍国医国药20203102. Doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1008-0805. 2020. 02. 046

12. 严瑶瑶,马瑶,周童,宋亚蓓,曹彩芸,王福顺*. 钩藤对脑损伤早期癫痫易感性的影响[J]. 时珍国医国药201930(07):1575-1578.

13. 马瑶,严瑶瑶,周童,宋亚蓓,曹彩云,陈刚,王福顺*,王薇,薛文达. 孕前皮质酮诱导对小鼠产后抑郁行为及AKT/mTOR信号通路的作用[J]. 湖北中医药大学学报201921(02):9-13.

14. 顾思梦,王福顺*. 临床医学课堂教学的生态学思考[J]. 高教学刊2019(08):111-113.

15. 马瑶,周童,张海楼,严瑶瑶,王薇,薛文达,王福顺*. 越鞠丸对皮质酮模型小鼠抑郁样行为和神经新生的影响[J]. 中国药理学通报201935(02):283-288.

16. 葛渴敏,王薇,薛文达,陈刚,王福顺*. 越鞠丸合甘麦大枣汤加减对谷氨酸诱导的HT22细胞损伤模型的神经保护作用[J]. 中国实验方剂学杂志201925(12):22-27.

17. 高梦丹,顾思梦,王福顺*. 学习动机在大学生专业承诺对学习倦怠影响的中介作用[J]. 校园心理201917(06):422-426.

18. 朱桓,李玉昆,汪竹涛,徐夏月,李鸿帆,顾思梦, . 情绪表达抑制在成人依恋与大学生手机成瘾间的中介作用[J]. 中国健康心理学杂志201927(12):1862-1866.

19. 顾思梦,荆莉媛,高梦丹,王福顺*. 中医情志的现代神经心理学观点. 世界科学技术:中医药现代化201820(2):173-181(北大中文核心期刊).

20. 施所琴,严瑶瑶,马瑶,王福顺*. 大黄-黄芩配伍应用对脑损伤早期癫痫易感性的影响. 中国实验方剂学杂志. 201824(10):168-174

21. 李洋,吴秀芹,李荐中,王福顺*. 白细胞中miRNA在精神分裂症患者中的表达意义. 国际检验医学杂志. 201738(17):2438-2440

22. 吕珊珊,施所琴,余蕾,郑铮,王福顺*. 礞石滚痰汤对戊四氮致痫小鼠惊厥行为及脑电图的影响. 时珍国医国药. 201728(7):1605-1607

23. 王福顺*. 加强对创伤性脑损伤后早期癫痫机理的研究. 中华神经外科疾病研究杂志(ChinJNeurosurgDises)2016;15(4):289-292

24. 顾思梦,余蕾,王福顺*,乔明琦. 中医情志的现代心理学研究. 世界科学技术:中医药现代化201618(4):709-713

25. 顾思梦,郭本禹,杜文东,王福顺*. 大学生抑郁与成人依恋的关系:自尊的中介作用. 中国特殊教育2015(183):64-70

26. 顾思梦,杜文东,王福顺*. 成人依恋对大学生抑郁的影响,中华临床心理学杂志. 2016(24):1-7(北大中文、科技双核心)

27. 李洋,王福顺*. 大学生家庭经济状况对学习动机的影响及心理辅导机制构建. 黑龙江高教研究. 2015. 12:81-83(北大中文核心、cssci扩展版)

28. 李洋,郑铮,王福顺*. 大学生手机成瘾与自控力关系及学习成绩的调节作用. 中华行为医学与脑科学杂志. 2015. 08(24):740-743. (北大中文、科技双核心)

29. 李洋,王福顺*. 贫困大学生心理脱贫实证研究. 牡丹江师范学院学报(哲社版)2015. 04:116-119

30. 李洋,王福顺*. 心理病人的情感及个性特点之我见. 情感读本. 2015. 0314-16

31. 李洋,王福顺*. 高校社会心理学课程研究教学模式改革探析,南风·理论版2014. 12(NO. 337): 116-117

32. 李洋,吴欣,王福顺*. 传统文化心理疗法与现代警察心理咨询模式. 新教育时代电子杂志(教师版). 2015(33):146-148

33. 李洋,王福顺*. 情绪调控的行为学探究. 情感读本. 2015. 0517-20.

34. 顾思梦,杜文东,王福顺*. 不同时段哺乳期母爱剥夺对子代小鼠抑郁行为及脑儿茶酚胺水平的影响,中华行为医学与脑科学杂志.

35. 李洋,顾思梦,王薇,王福顺*. 中医情志的行为学研究. 新加坡中医学院学报. 2015. 06:26-29

36. 顾思梦,郭本禹,袁逖飞,杜文东,王福顺. 自尊、社会支持在成人依恋与抑郁情绪间的中介效应检验(英文)[J]. 中国临床心理学杂志201624(01):1-7.

37. 吴欣,李洋,王福顺. 传统文化疗法对中国本土化心理治疗的启示[J]. 文化学刊,2016(01):85-89.

38. 王福顺*,郭瑞鲜,冯鉴强,李平阳,陈培熹. 多巴胺对大鼠前额叶皮层锥体神经元NMDA受体通道的影响[J]. 中山大学学报(医学科学版). 200526(04):262-266

39. 王福顺*,冯鉴强,郭瑞鲜,王艳,叶美红,VincentWalsh. 前额叶皮层在学习记忆中的作用[J]心理科学. 2003(03)468-470

40. 王福顺*,冯鉴强,郭瑞鲜,王艳,陈培熹. 大鼠前额叶锥体神经元的NMDA受体的单通道特性[J]. 中山医科大学学报. 2002(05):332-334

41. 王福顺*,冯鉴强,郭瑞鲜,王艳,叶美红,VincentWalsh. 跨颅磁刺激观察前额叶皮层在学习记忆中的作用[J]. 解剖学研究. 2002(04)

42. 王福顺*,冯鉴强VincentWalsh,后顶叶空间注意功能的跨颅磁刺激研究[J]. 中国行为医学科学. 2002(11):14-17

43. 王福顺*史献君,岳文浩,吴从平,卢宗玉,江虹绞股蓝对大白鼠学习记忆的影响[J]. 中国行为医学科学. 19993(1):30-33

44. 王福顺*,冯鉴强,郭瑞鲜,王艳. 前额叶皮层在学习记忆中的作用综述[J]. 生理通讯. 200220(S1):9-13  

45. 王福顺*,冯鉴强,VicnetWalsh. 跨颅磁刺激在神经生理学中应用[J]. 生理通讯. 200220(S1):67-71

46. 段耀魁,曹文华,王福顺*. 锶对大白鼠心肌电生理的调节作用[J]. 泰山医学院学报. 199920(1):94-96

47. 段耀魁,曹文华,王福顺*. 锶,锰对大白鼠心肌电生理的协调作用[J]. 应用生理学报. 199915(5):399-400

48. 段耀魁,曹文华,盖金芳,王福顺*. 锶,锰对大白鼠心肌电生理特性的协调作用[J]. 微量元素和健康研究. 199916(1):1-3

49. 王福顺*,段耀魁,张德利. 绞股蓝皂甙对学习记忆的影响[J]. 泰山医学院学报. 199819(4):317-319

50. 张德利,王福顺,段耀魁. 催眠对视觉诱发电位的影响[J]. 泰山医学院学报. 199920(1):10-13.

51. 王福顺*,岳文浩. 绞股蓝皂甙对大白鼠学习记忆的影响[J]. 泰山医学院学报. 199719(4):251-254

52. 王福顺. 中医情志调节气血流注[C]. 世界中医药学会联合会中医心理学专业委员会. 第六届国际中医心理学大会专家报告集. 世界中医药学会联合会中医心理学专业委员会:世界中医药学会联合会中医心理学专业委员会,2019:221-264.

53. 郑铮,王福顺*. 大学生亚临床躯体变形障碍的发生率及影响因素[C]. 中国心理学会. 第二十一届全国心理学学术会议摘要集. 中国心理学会:中国心理学会,2018:420-421.

54. 郑铮,顾思梦,王福顺*. 心理压力导致抑郁症的神经体液机制[C]. 中国心理学会. 第十八届全国心理学学术会议摘要集——心理学与社会发展. 中国心理学会:中国心理学会,2015:589.

55. 薛文达,聂瑞芳,周童,陈刚,王福顺,王薇. 越鞠丸对Balb/c小鼠和C57BL/6J小鼠抗抑郁作用与前额叶场电位差异性分析[J]. 世界科学技术-中医药现代化201820(09):1666-1672.  

56. 顾思梦,李洋,聂瑞芳,范琪,王福顺*. 补肾解郁清心方对围绝经期抑郁症模型的影响[C]. 中国中西医结合学会基础理论专业委员会. 第十四届中国中西医结合基础理论学术年会会议资料. 中国中西医结合学会基础理论专业委员会:中国中西医结合学会,2018:42-44.

57. 严瑶瑶,施所琴,马瑶,王福顺*. 中药钩藤及其主要成分钩藤碱对小鼠脑损伤早期癫痫易感性的影响[C]. 中国中西医结合学会基础理论专业委员会. 第十四届中国中西医结合基础理论学术年会会议资料. 中国中西医结合学会基础理论专业委员会:中国中西医结合学会,2018:113-114. 



1. 李昌英, 王福顺(主编).《医学心理学》,中国医药科技出版社1997

2. 罗向阳,梁立阳,黄怀(主编), 王福顺(编委).《实用小儿神经病学》,世界图书出版社2011

3.  王福顺(主编),吴海英(主编).《医学心理学》,江苏人民出版社2015

4.  王福顺(主编),付文清(主编).《中医情绪心理学》中国中医药出版社2016(获得中国中医药出版社等六家杂志社2016年度评比最受欢迎的十大中医药好书”)

5. 李洋(主编), 王福顺(主编).《心身疾病的临床诊治与心理康复》,天津科学技术出版社2016

6.  王福顺(主编),《情绪心理学》,中国人民卫生出版社2018,国家十三五规划教材(中国第一本《情绪心理学》教材)。

7. 沈旭(主译),关晓伟(主译);王长明,王佳颖,王福顺等译,Juan I. Castrillo &Stephen G.Oliver(著),阿尔兹海默病的系统生物学,科学出版社2020

8. 王福顺 等译,《正念的力量》,山东大学出版社,2022.

9. 刘昌等主编,王福顺参编,《儒释道与认知神经科学》,科学出版社,2022



1. 王福顺,一种用于治疗癫痫的药物制剂,2015818日,中国,201510504819.61    

2. 王福顺,一种治疗老年痴呆的药物制剂,2015818日,中国,201510507612.4

3. 王福顺,一种治疗精神分裂症的药物制剂,2015818日,中国,2015105059400

4. 王福顺,一种治疗神经衰弱的药物制剂,20151115日,中国,2015107808019

5. 王福顺,一种抗抑郁微型磁刺激仪器,20161220日,中国,2016110979421

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1. Frontier in Psychiatry,学术编委 ;

2.  Frontier in Psychology,编委;

3.  International Journal of Neurology,编委;

4.  Neural Plasticity,客座主编;

5.  中华行为医学与脑科学杂志,编委;

6.  世界科学技术:中医药现代化,编委。




